"Takeshima," often known as Liancourt Island, is an island located between Korea and Japan in the East Sea. However, it is crucial to note that the true name and sovereignty of this island is "Dokdo," despite Japan and other countries referring to it as "Takeshima."
Your article ¡°S. Korea conducts maritime survey near Takeshima¡± also has some points that might lead to the misconception that Dokdo could be considered Japanese territory. However, I urge you to consider the extensive historical evidence supporting Dokdo's status as Korean territory. The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea provides a comprehensive list of events and official records throughout history that affirm Dokdo's Korean sovereignty. I invite you to review these documents, which can be found at the following link: https://dokdo.mofa.go.kr/eng/dokdo/reason.jsp
These records meticulously document Korea's continuous administration and control of Dokdo since ancient times, predating any claims by Japan. Moreover, they highlight various instances where Korean sovereignty over Dokdo was recognized and affirmed by international entities.
I sincerely hope that these historical records will lead you to acknowledge the truth regarding Dokdo's sovereignty. Your cooperation in amending the designation of "Takeshima" to "Dokdo" on your website would not only demonstrate a commitment to accuracy but also contribute to promoting historical truths and fostering mutual understanding between nations.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response.
Warm regards,
Yuri Hwang