:::::: 나라[독도]살리기운동본부 ::::::
작성일 : 22-05-25 10:18
 글쓴이 : 영동고유재균
조회 : 1,226  
   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvTqTM8R_C8 [1081]
서한 시정서한 
매체 웹사이트 
이슈 동해 
언어 영어
서한보내는곳 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvTqTM8R_C8
오류내용 동해를 Sea of Japan으로 오류표기함
E-mail / Contact andy0610@naver.com

Dear the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

I'm writing to inform you that you deal with totally wrong clip on the YouYube.
In the YouYube, you claimed that 'Japan Sea' is the one and only name which should be used internatioally. Your government proposed to maintain using the name of the sea as 'Japan Sea' or 'Sea of Japan' though this names were used under colonial years of South Korea.
This shouldn't be approved because of following reasons.


First, the International Hydro-graphic Organization(IHO) has tentatively approved a proposal that supports the exclusive use of the name “Japan Sea,” or" the Sea of Japan", in referring to the waters between Japan and the Korean Peninsula only by the side of Japanese government, and it's totally not fair.

Second, our country, South Korea has been calling for the adoption of the alternative name “East Sea,” because the name “Japan Sea” was use under Japan’s colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula."East Sea" sounds totally neutral comparing to "Japan Sea", so we should use the East Sea as the name of the sea between two countries.

Your country has argued “Japan Sea” is the only internationally established name and there is no need to change it. I am really regretful to see your argument so that I strongly ask you to change your attitude towards this issue.


The issue of Japan sea only causes a diplomatic problem between South Korea and Japan.

We don't ask you to change the name as Korean Sea, instead, we claim to change the name as "East Sea" which is very neutral.
Therefore, your newspaper should also carry this issue as fairly as possible based on the role of the media.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


Andy Yoo from South Korea

이름 패스워드 비밀글

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