The body of water lying between the Korean peninsula and Japanese archipelago is described incorrecly in the map of your article "South Korea eyes military drills to 'defend' disputed Takeshima islets" written by Hajimu Takeda. I hope you appreciate the importance of transcending historial bias and provide accurate information about the East Asia region. The body of water between Korea and Japan sould be described as the "East Sea" or at least with the simultaneous use of both names; "East Sea/Sea of Japan."
In addition, Dokdo, which is an integral part of the Korean territory historically and under international law, is also described incorrectly in the map on the article. The name "Takeshima islets" seems to be taken from Japanese or Japanese-influenced sources as Japan has illegally and inappropritately been working to use that name internationally.
The name "Dokdo" has long been used by the Korean people. This is the legitimate name that should be used internationally. Against this back drop, I would like to request you to name the "Dokdo" when you refer to the island at issue.