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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/feedback.cms
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To whom may concern



My name is Kyeong Mi Lim and I¡¯m a student from Hana Academy Seoul in Republic of Korea, and I also work as a member of Dokdo Cyber press, a non-governmental voluntary organization established to provide correct information about Korean territory Dokdo to the international community.


While doing the research for my school project, I¡¯ve read your newspaper article titled "US military confirms North Korea fired missile into Sea of Japan"Thank you for providing abundant information.


To my surprise, however, I found out that your website have incorrectly named the "East Sea¡±, the sea between Korean peninsula and Japanese archipelago, as the ¡°Sea of Japan¡±. I earnestly suggest you to change "Sea of Japan" to the ¡°East sea¡±, or at least writing both designations: ¡°East Sea/Sea of Japan¡±. Please help correcting the distortion in name of the ¡°East Sea¡± which has been committed by Japan since the period of imperialism. Recently, many international organizations including U.N. agencies are correcting ¡°Sea of Japan¡± to ¡°East sea¡±, It would be appreciating if "The Times of India" could join this international trend.


Thank you again for your help. I look forward to hearing from you. My email is principiable@google.com


Yours sincerely,

Kyeong Mi Lim


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