First of all, I always wanted to say thanks to your site.
When I study or do some assignments, I always get some help from your site, wikipidia.
You provides me a plenty of informations, and all of them are so useful.
Yesterday I used it for my English homework, too!!
However, I found a mistake from your site, in
When I search Sea of Japan in your site, there is a map which shows the sea between Korea and Japan, and it appears directly "Sea of Japan".
However, you should know that the terretorial water is our, Korea's one.
Since more than 500 years ago, Japan has argued that it is their terretory.
There are a lot ove evidences that supports our terretory. If you cannot believe it, just visit
So, I am writting this to correct your mistake. Please change 'Sea of Japan' to 'East Sea'.