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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 19-05-13 23:32
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   https://web-japan.org/nipponia/nipponia42/en/feature/index.html [314]
Dear Web Japan
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ Web Japan
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E-mail / Contact webmaster@web-japan.org

Dear Web Japan


Hello. I am Seowon Jung who live in South Korea.

I saw your site while surfing the Internet. I was very impressed about Okinawa¡¯s Beautiful Sea through your website. I really thank you for your website which provides useful contents.


However, I have found some minor different information in your website. In the map of your website, the name of the sea between Korea and Japan is described as "Sea of Japan". and I thought it seems unreasonable to use the name ¡°Sea of Japan on the map. In Korea we used ¡±East sea¡° The sea (between Japan and Korea)¡¯s original name is "East Sea" which has been used throughout history. Therefore, I believe that the body of water between Korea and Japan should be described as the ¡°East Sea¡± or at least with the simultaneous use of both names; ¡°East Sea/Sea of Japan.¡±


Thank you very much for your time and consideration.




Seowon Jung.


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