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¿À·ù³»¿ë east sea¸¦ sea of japanÀ¸·Î Ç¥±â
E-mail / Contact hjjp11@naver.com

Dear writer,

Hello. This is Hyunji Won, a student of South Korea. I happened to read some of your articles while searching the web, and wanted to suggest a small alteration.

I understand that the term ¡°Sea of Japan¡± has been universally used since the 19th century and that many think that it is the standard term. However, I want to inform you that the term can be seen as an unjust vestige of Japanese imperialism and a lack of understanding and respect for the history and tradition of Korea and East Asia region..


The term ¡°East Sea¡± has been used for more than 2000 years in Korea, numerous historical documents proving this statement. On the other hand, the term ¡°Sea of Japan¡± was only birthed in the recent past. By the 19 century, even maps of Japan referred to the sea between the Korea and Japan, ¡°Sea of Joseon(Korea)¡±.


It was only when Japan rose to power, and Korea secluded itself from western countries that ¡°Sea of Japan¡± was used. As Korean became a victim of Japan¡¯s imperialism, Japan tried to deprive Korea of its identity by taking away everything that composed a 'korean': sovereignty, various rights, language, tradition and more. During that time, the term "Sea of Japan" became used worldwide. However, after World War II, because of the Cairo Declaration, Potsdam Declaration, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, and the Treaty of Peace with Japan, the territories forcefully claimed were to be recovered by Korea. Thus, by all rights, the terms should have changed back to what they were. However, it was not to be because Japan claimed that Dokdo was theirs.


One might think the terms have no significance or that the naming of the sea and the sovereignty over Dokdo are irrelevant matters. However, this is a sure vestige of Janpanese imperialism.It seems unreasonable to use the name "Sea of Japan" which is decided in the period of imperialism because its original name is "East Sea" which has been used throughout history.


Therefore, I believe that the body of water between Korea and Japan should be described as the ¡°East Sea¡± or at least with the simultaneous use of both names; ¡°East Sea/Sea of Japan.¡±

I hope you consider this issue, and look forward to seeing changes. If you need more information or are concerned about my request, please contact me by email. My email adress is hjjp11@naver.com.


Yours sincerely,

Hyunji Won





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