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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 18-07-31 22:37
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ Geography
¿À·ù³»¿ë sea of japanÀ̶ó°í¸¸ ¼­¼úµÇ¾î ÀÖÀ½.
E-mail / Contact geographynm@gmail.com
Hello. My name is Yoon-se Kim in Hana Academy Seoul, the republic of Korea. Thank you for your detailed information about Japan. I wrote this letter to you since I found that the article included somewhat inappropriate word.

First of all, the map written in Russia you suggest in the passage mentioned the sea between South Korea and Japan as MER DU JAPON, which means ¡°Sea of Japan¡± in English. In addition, while the word Sea of Japan was used for 5 times in your article, I couldn¡¯t find the other word, EAST SEA. Waters between South Korea and Japan cannot be defined as Sea of Japan because both countries have the ownership of the sea. Also, actually the two islands in the East Sea (Ullengdo and Dokdo) are the land of Korea. Thus, Sea of Japan is prejudiced word and we should use East Sea which is much more neutral word. Japan argued that the sea should be called as the Sea of Japan because they want to occupy it completely. However, the East sea is better word than Sea of Japan as it is word based on the geological characteristic (Eastern sea of East Asia) such as North Sea in European continent.


I am looking forward to your positive reply and reflection! If you any questions about the history of Korea and Japan or the right notation of other words, please give email to this address. Thank you for your great help.


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