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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 18-07-31 20:09
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Á¶È¸ : 661  
Sea of Japan --> East Sea
East Sea -->
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E-mail / Contact 81-(0)3-3580-3311

Hello! This is Hye Ji Seo, and I am a freshman of Hana Academy Seoul, in the Republic of Korea. I am also a member of the Dokdo press corps, a non-governmental and voluntary organization, and what we do is spreading the correct historical fact of Dokdo to the public.

I decided to write an email to you since I have important suggestion to make in regards to your article.


I found out that the article have named the ¡°East Sea¡± as the ¡°Sea of Japan,¡± which should be changed. You might want to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8u3Oo09hps this. This video will surely help you to realize the true historical fact of Dokdo and why I am suggesting you to change the name of the sea. Additionally, you can find out why this tiny island is so important to Koreans and how heartbreaking it is for us to notice the sea wrongly named.


Overall, I am asking for your website to change the name to ¡°East Sea.¡± I appreciate your precious time and I will be more honored to get reply from you via my e-mail (rosie0326@naver.com).


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