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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 18-07-19 22:00
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8919, Japan
¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¿Çظ¦ Sea of JapanÀ¸·Î Ç¥±â
E-mail / Contact kdh1970a@naver.com

Dear webmaster

With my deepest respect and gratitude, I take it as a great honor to write to your website. I am Jae - Eun Kim, and  am proud to introduce myself to be one of the people of the Republic of Korea and a student of Hana Academy Seoul.

I also work as an active member of the Dokdo Cyber Press, a non-governmental and voluntary organization with the mandate to provide correct information about Korea to the international community, including textbook publishers.

I am writing to you as I have an important suggestions to make in regards to your articles titled in  the "Sea of Japan"



To my great surprise, I found out that an article of yours have wrongly named the ¡°East Sea¡± as the ¡°Sea of Japan¡±.

The name of the sea between the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, currently named as the ¡°Sea of Japan¡± in your article, should be corrected to the ¡°East Sea¡±.

At present, as many international organizations including U.N. agencies have corrected ¡°Sea of Japan¡± to ¡°East Sea¡±, I¡¯d truly appreciate if your website could join this trend.

As a Korean who is fully aware of how the island is enthusiastically beloved by our people, I could not help but write to your company.

I humbly ask for your website to seriously consider the issue of changing the ¡°East Sea¡± to the ¡°Sea of Japan¡±. Or, at least, please name it both ¡°Sea of Japan¡± and ¡°East Sea¡±. Please visit the website (http://dokdo.mofat.go.kr) for more specific information on geographical designations.

I would like to once again appreciate your time for reviewing my letter and will be more than honored to get reply from your company via my email (kdh1970a@naver.com).

Your sincerely,


Jae Eun Kim


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