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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 16-08-17 23:11
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E-mail / Contact

To Whom It May Concern

With my deepest respect and gratitude, I take it as a great honor to write to your website. I can get many information from your website. Thank you. I am Park Jinhee, one of the people of the Republic of Korea and a student of Guryong middle school.

I also work as an active member of the Dokdo Cyber Press, a non-governmental and voluntary organization with the mandate to provide correct information about Korea to the international community, including textbook publishers.

The reason that I send this e-mail to you is that I want to suggest some corrections to your article respectfully.


To my great surprise, I found out that a article of yours have wrongly named the ¡°East sea¡± as the ¡°Sea of Japan¡± on the article¡¯s picture. Also, there was a picture that yours have wrongly named ¡°Dokdo¡± as the ¡°Liancourt Rocks¡±. You also said that ¡±We don¡¯t need to change the definition of Sea of Japan. Korean claims is nonsense and filled up with distortureI will advice Korean who believe brainwash propaganda. Korean should rename it the East Seatoday's TongJoseonmanÔÔðÈàØ£¨East Korean Gulf£©.a.k.a Broughton Bay, or just east coast of Korean peninsula  to "East "Korean" Sea"  if they want.  Broughton Bay or East Korean Gulf is just a one part of Sea of Japan.¡± After I read this article, I thought that you know well about Dokdo¡¯s history. And how come you just say that Korean claims are nonsense and filled up with distorture. I think those Korean¡¯s claims are very acceptable things. That you said Korean claims are nonsense and filled up with distorture were too rudeless for Korean. That could be your personal opinion, too. But it was immoral thing that you wrote those your personal opinion on these popular portal and spread these dis acceptable opinion to the world.  At present, as many international organizations including U. N. agencies have corrected ¡®Sea of Japan¡¯ to ¡®East sea¡¯, I¡¯d truly appreciate if your web site could join this trend .As a Korean who is fully aware of how the island is enthusiastically beloved by our people, I could not help writing to you.


I humbly ask for your website to seriously consider not to write these too personal opinion in public portal site. I hope that this e-mail don¡¯t offend you. And I¡¯m very huge desire to receive an answer to my email. Please send your reply the e-mail if you have opposite opinions! Thank you very much!



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