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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ founderscode@gmail.com
¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¿Çظ¦ sea of japanÀ¸·Î À߸ø Ç¥±âÇÔ
E-mail / Contact lilacjane2@gmail.com

Dear, founderscode.

Hello, I¡¯m Oh Ji hyeon from Hana Academy Seoul, the Republic of Korea. Thank you for writing various information. I want to say something about ¡°Sea of Japan.¡±


Your website spelled ¡°Sea of Japan¡± instead of ¡°East Sea.¡± It is not right name. According to international organization, ¡°If each of two or more countries use different name, international organization advises the name¡¯s simplification, and if it can¡¯t do, it has to use both names.¡±

For example, in past, the sea around the French Republic, the United Kingdom, the German Federal Republic, and the Kingdom of Denmark is called many names to use their countries¡¯ names. However, after International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) was established, that sea is called ¡°North Sea,¡± because North Sea is located in the Eurasian Continent¡¯s north. So, ¡°East Sea¡± has to be called ¡°East Sea¡±, not ¡°Sea of Japan.¡± Because, ¡°East Sea¡± is located in the Eurasian Continent¡¯s east. According to above import, I demand to change ¡°Sea of Japan.¡±


In conclusion, ¡°Sea of Japan¡± I¡¯m gonna change in ¡°East Sea¡± in your website. If you read this e-mail, and if you want to say something to me, please send the e-mail whenever.

Thank you for reading this e-mail. I¡¯m looking forward to receive your e-mail.

Yours sincerely,

Oh ji hyeon


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