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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 16-07-17 20:42
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   http://cfile222.uf.daum.net/image/2573E33F53B8AE950F70E5 [241]
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ http://mapsof.net/contact
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E-mail / Contact mbtmoon@naver.com
Hi, I'm a student and you are called parietal Cheonan munsanggi.
I try to see me about maps that use Sea of Japan, called the East Sea.

One thing you may have to use Sea of Japan, who belongs to the Republic of Korea in the Sea of Japan, I think it would wrong. It is a place where the East stark decided that it allowed the country on the map without a mess of the Sea of Japan that if skater who must apologize.

Please point this year to reflect any day soon modify the information for the map you are using in the future I hope to write some nerves ever so incorrect information can not be reflected

  Thank you for listening to my story.


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