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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 19-09-15 10:21
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ soumu@pref.shimane.lg.jp
E-mail / Contact
I am Ashley, Ji, a sophomore in Korean high school.
I saw an article about 'On February 22 as Takeshima Day' event on the Shimane Prefecture`s controversial website.
I was quite surprised at your misconception at the sight.
So I send this message.
I hope you will read my writings well and know history properly.


First, the name Takeshima to the Dokdo and Regions as a 'Shimane Prefecture, Oki, okino simajeong' set.
And 'a 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone,' the Mobile-Cloud Era to Japan to take responsibility for fisheries around the Dokdo as an important area set.
It is about betraying all the rules and order of the world.
It is no different from Korea's designation of Tokyo as the administrative region of the Republic of Korea and calling it the region responsible for the Korean economy.

Second, Dokdo has advocated to restore permanent residence immediately as Japanese territory.
On the basis of our president, Syngman Rhee president unilaterally Dokdo within 12 nautical miles around Dokdo to claim indefinite leave of the Japanese fishing boat said it out. In addition, insisted that it took to the Dokdo as illegal.
This disregards not only the geographical and historical grounds that we claim, but also violates international law.

In order to maintain legitimate and correct diplomatic relations between the country and the country, you will first have to discard your unreasonable claims and false patriotism. Japan and South Korea are quite close, and working together will give them a lot of economic help. Then both will be fairly strong countries worldwide. Fighting each other will have bad consequences for both countries.


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