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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 19-10-27 22:36
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¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¶µµ¸¦ Liancourt rocks¶ó Ç¥±âÇÏ°í, µ¿Çظ¦ sea of JapanÀ̶ó Ç¥±âÇÔ.
E-mail / Contact hyhyhy2002@naver.com

Dear webmaster

It is a great honor to contact you, and I thank you for your useful information in your website. I am Hye Jin Jeon from South Korea, and a member of Dokdo Cyber Press, which constantly work to correct wrong information regarding South Korea. And while reading your article - https://www.cesmet.com/it/planisfero/giappone - I found that there are words that need to be corrected.


In your article, you used the map showing South Korea and Japan. In that map, the "East sea" was described as ¡°the Sea of Japan", and "Dokdo" was stated as "Liancourt rocks". The body of water between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago should be put as "East sea" in that it is currently the territory of Korea.

"Dokdo" is also the territory of Korea historically and under international law. The word "Liancourt rocks" or "Takeshima" is from Japan as Japan is trying to use the wrong wording in inappropriate ways.


I hope you will make corrections in the map and use 'East Sea' to describe the body of water between Korea and Japan and to use "Dokdo" instead of "Liancourt rocks".


Thank you for reading and we would appreciate your favorable consideration.


Yours sincerely,

HyeJin Jeon


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