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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 17-12-26 15:34
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   https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/08/03/national/north-korea-laun¡¦ [223]
   https://www.japantimes.co.jp/contact-us/reader-mail/ [231]
In apparent first, North Korea launches ballistic missile into Sea of Japan EEZ
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/contact-us/reader-mail/
¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¿Çظ¦ ÀϺ»ÇØ(The Sea of Japan)·Î Ç¥±âÇÔ.
E-mail / Contact yunjikim.csiahs@gmail.com
Hello, this is Yunji Kim from CheongShim International Academy, Republic of Korea. The newly uploaded article of your esteemed company, "In apparent first, North Korea launches ballistic missile into Sea of Japan EEZ(https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/08/03/national/north-korea-launches-ballistic-missile-eastward-sea-prompting-japan-protest/#.WkHrm_ll82x)" involves the improper appellation of "East Sea".
East Sea, the body of water lying in between the Japanese archipelago, Sakhalin, the Korean Peninsula, and Russia, is officially named so in order to encourage the international society to use refined language that does not involve previous historical conflict between nations.

The term "Sea of Japan" symbolizes the illegal colonization of Japan upon Korea that had lasted for 36 years, causing immense national pain to the innocent people of the Korean Peninsula.
  I, as the humble representative of the people of my nation, would like to ask your esteemed company for a prompt correction on the term "Sea of Japan" that has been used in the article mentioned. (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/08/03/national/north-korea-launches-ballistic-missile-eastward-sea-prompting-japan-protest/#.WkHrm_ll82x)


Being one of the most respected, well known, and internationally viewed news company of the contemporary society, please recognize once again the responsibility your esteemed company owns on delivering current events regarding the international dispute between nations, and process the requested correction desperately desired by the Republic of Korea and its people. Please let the "East Sea" be called by its name, symbolize the illegality of the Japanese colonization on the Korean peninsula, and find justice.

  Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
Yunji Kim


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