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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 18-05-07 21:52
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¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¶µµ¸¦ takeshima·Î Ç¥±âÇßÀ¸¸ç µ¿Çظ¦ sea of japanÀ̶ó Ç¥±âÇÔ
E-mail / Contact sjhong0603@naver.com

Dear webmaster,

Hello, this is Seo Jung Hong who studies oceanography in South Korea.

I was using some imformation in your website for my school research. I am really thanks about lots of useful information in your website.


However, I found some wrong informations in your website. In the map in your website, Dokdo was written 'takeshima' and The East Sea was written 'Sea of Japan'.

When you find about the history betwwen Korea and Japan, you can know that Dokdo is Korea's territiory. Ulleungdo is closer than Japan from Dokdo.

Also, the name 'The East Sea' was used throughout history. It would be better when you solve this by using name 'The East Sea/Sea of Japan'.


I hope the errors to be corrected.

Thank you for reading this.

I look forwad to getting some answers from you, webmaster.

Sincerely, Seo Jung Hong


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