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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 18-06-22 10:36
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ info@us-ocb.org
¿À·ù³»¿ë East Sea¸¦ Sea of JapanÀ¸·Î Ç¥±â
E-mail / Contact info@us-ocb.org

Dear webmaster

Hello, I¡¯m a high school student of Hana Academy Seoul, in the Republic of Korea. Thank you for introducing a good study article on global warming influence at below URL.


However, while I was reading the article I found something wrong about ¡®Sea of Japan.¡¯ Your article marked ¡®Sea of Japan¡¯ instead of ¡®East Sea¡¯. It¡¯s wrong to mark only ¡®Sea of Japan¡¯at least 6 times. According to international organization, ¡°If each two of two or more countries use different name, international organization advises the name¡¯s simplification, and if it can¡¯t do, it has to use both names.¡± Since Korea and Japan haven¡¯t discussed name¡¯s simplification ¡®Sea of Japan¡¯ has to be marked with ¡®East Sea¡¯.


Therefore, I humbly ask you to change ¡®Sea of Japan¡¯ into ¡®East Sea¡¯ or at least mark both names. Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing from you via my email sechan10121@naver.com

Hopefully OCB research driving the improvement of global environment contiuously.

Yours sincerely,
Sechan Lee


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