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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/takeshima/
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Dear, webmaster.

I¡¯m Daehwan Kwon, who is at Jeoheon high school, in Korea.

When I accidentally saw your website, I raelized something is wrong.

Your website show, Takeshima, as a name of the island between Korea and Japan.

But the real name of the island is Dokdo.

I would like to explain the reason why the island should be described as Dokdo. And East sea instead of ¡®sea of Japan¡¯.


¡°East Sea¡± has been used in Korea for more than 2000 years to indicate the body of water between Korea and japan with convincing evidence in many antique books. Old maps from university library in Europe and Us show ¡°East Sea¡±. By the 19th century , even maps from Japan refer to the sea as ¡°Sea of Joseon¡±(the old name of Korea) instead of ¡°sea of Japan¡±

Japan made a dogmatic decision on using the name ¡°sea of Japan¡± in the 1st IHO conference held in london in 1919, Without any consensus of adjacent Countries including Korea. at that time Korea could not participate in the conference to raise a voice in opposition Since Korea was being dominated by Japan imperialism

Furthermore sea of Japan including the specific name of country is not appropriate considering the stance of the adjacent countries on the issue. For the more east sea is the most reasonable name in terms of History and international relations


I sincerely ask you to use is the sea to describe the body of water between Korean and Japan in your Maps and contents I appreciate your attention and look for to your Favorable consideration

Sincerely yours,

Daehwan, Kown.


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