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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 19-06-06 11:38
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   https://www.nbcnews.com/news/china/china-says-navy-drills-sea-japan-ar¡¦ [256]
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¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¿Çظ¦ East Sea¶ó°í Ç¥±âÇؾßÇϴµ¥ Sea of JapanÀ̶ó°í Ç¥±âÇÏ¿´´Ù.
E-mail / Contact yjchoi1200@gmail.com

Dear Webmaster


I am yujin choi and a student at Sookmyung High School in South Korea. I also work as an active member of the Dokdo Cyber Press, a non-governmental and voluntary organization. I am writing to you as I have an important suggestions to make in regards to your article.


I found out that a map of yours have wrongly named the ¡°East Sea¡± as the ¡°Sea of Japan¡± The name of the sea between the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipel ago, currently named as the ¡°Sea of Japan¡± in your article, should be corrected to the ¡°East sea¡±. According to international organization, ¡°If each of two or more countries use different name, international organization advises the name¡¯s simplification, and if it can¡¯t do, it has to use both names.¡± Nowadays, as many international organizations including U. N. agencies have corrected ¡®Sea of Japan¡¯ to ¡®East sea¡¯, and I¡¯d truly appreciate if your website could join this trend.


I sincerely look forward to correcting the wrong information on your website. I would like to express my gratitude to you for reading the long article and once again emphasize that you read this mail and correct the wrong quoted map. Thank you. Finally, it would be a great honor if I could get a reply from your website. (My email address is yjchoi1200@gmail.com) I look forward to it.



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