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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ np@noaa.gov
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E-mail / Contact np@noaa.gov

Dear North Pacific Ocean Theme Page

Hello, My name is Dayeon Seol

And I am working as a member of 'Dokdo Cyber press corps',

'Dokdo Cyber press corps' consists of high school students and we voluntarily correct wrong information about Korea on many different media such as web sites or books.

As it is widely known, Dokdo is a beautiful island located in the East Sea of Korea.

I wanted to let you guys know that your website has wrong information about East Sea, one of Korean precious legacies and wanted to ask you to correct them.


Recently, I saw that your site' map has wrong information about East Sea and I was really surprised because your site is quite famous.

You marked Korean Sea 'East Sea' as 'Sea of Japan'.

But 'Sea of Japan' is a wrong mark.

'Sea of Japan' is the name that Japan kept spreading to make 'Dokdo' under Japan's possession.

So, many Western countries marked our 'East Sea' as 'Sea of Japan'.

To tell the truth, I am really sad and regrettable for lack of Korean promotion to other countries.

Undoubtedly, Dokdo has been ours historically and geographically.

What a unreasonable and shocking situation.


I know that you are just following rules but that rules are wrong.

I just want people from all over the world to see 'East Sea' in your site, not 'Sea of Japan' and give right information to many people around the world who visit your site.

I think you also may agree with me.

This is why I wrote to you.

Please don't think this mail as an expression of nationalism but see as a Korean student's effort to protect Dokdo from Japan.

If you want to know more about Dokdo and East Sea, please send a mail to me.

Then I will give you official information about Dokdo and East Sea and explain it.

Thank you.


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