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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 16-04-24 14:19
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ hari.gdrc@gmail.com
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E-mail / Contact hari.gdrc@gmail.com

 I'm a student reporter for the Korean Voice Newspaper.(South Korean)
We are working on a project in which we correct clerical errors of Korean regions, and adding the name 'East Sea' along 'Sea of Japan' is one of our duties. 

I have noticed that a writing called 'Oceans around Japan' (http://www.gdrc.org/oceans/un-seahorse/ocean.html)marked the sea between Japan and Korea as only Sea of Japan.

Since this is not a private region of Japan's, Koreans may feel uncomfortable with the mark and would worry about people seeing the page being misled. 

We are working on a project in which we correct clerical errors of Korean regions, and adding the name 'East Sea' along 'Sea of Japan' is one of our duties. 

We would truly appreciate it if you edit the mark into "Sea of Japan/ East Sea" instead of just "Sea of Japan".

Thank you for reading through my mail.

                                    Minjung Lee


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