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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 16-10-05 22:23
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   http://www.voanews.com/a/apple-google-maps-run-afoul-of-south-korea/15¡¦ [256]
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ http://www.voanews.com/a/apple-google-maps-run-afoul-of-south-korea/1537372.html
¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¶µµ¸¦ takeshima¿Í º´±âÇÔ
E-mail / Contact hinee1@naver.com

Dear web maseer

Hello my name is Yang Huichan who studies in high school South Korea

I really thank you for your website which provides useful contents.


Dokdo, which is an integral part of the Korean territory historically and under international law, is described incorrectly in the information on your website. The name, ¡°Takeshima¡± seems to be taken from Japanese or Japanese-influenced sources as Japan has illegally and inappropriately been working to use that name internationally.

The name ¡°Dokdo¡± has long been used by the Korean people. This is the legitimate name that should be used internationally. Against this back drop, we would like to request you to use the name "Dokdo" when you refer to the island at issue. 


As a fine source for the online information, I hope you will be able to make appropriate corrections on your website. I look forward to your cooperation and it would be most helpful if you give me reason when you decide to adhere to current naming practice.

I really hope that errors in your website will be corrected. If you do not mind, could you let me know an e-mail address of the person in charge or another possible way to correction, please?

 Thank you very much for your time and consederation. And I look forward to hearing from you.

Yang Huichan 


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