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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 16-05-07 11:57
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E-mail / Contact 3DGeographymodels@gmail.com

Dear Mister/Madam

Hello, I am Yoonho Nam, a member of Dokdo Cyber Press of South Korea.

While surfing the Internet, I got to find your website.

I first want to say your website is very informative and helpful. However, I found a naming error in your website, and want to ask you to adjust it.


Do you know a small island in the east of South Korea? This island, named Dokdo, has been Korea¡¯s rightful territory for more than a thousand years.

The naming marked on your site says Dokdo is 'Liancourt Rocks'. 'Liancourt Rocks' is the naming that he Franco-English name of the islets derives from Le Liancourt, the name of a French whaling ship which came close to being wrecked on the rocks in 1849.


I believe that the most effective way to let the world know about Dokdo's right marking is using the internet. As I said, many websites including yours are exposed to many people, and the influence is tremendous. Me and Korea¡¯s other citizens earnestly ask you to change the wrong naming(Liancourt Rocks) to Dokdo. We look forward to your cooperation.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


Best Regards,


Yoonho Nam


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