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¿À·ù³»¿ë µ¿Çظ¦ Sea of JapanÀ¸·Î Àß ¸ø Ç¥±â
E-mail / Contact sjb011016@naver.com

Dear webmaster,


Hello, I am Jung Baek Shin, a student at Hana Academy Seoul, in Korea

I really appreciate for providing us useful information from your website, but there is one thing that I think it's wrong written on this website


In the map shown in the website, I can see there is a word that expresses the sea between the Korean peninsula and Japan called "Sea of Japan". However, I think this expression should be changed to "East Sea" because the word "Sea of Japan" is a word that was made by the imperialism of Japan. So it is not a right expression to explain the "East Sea"


It maybe just a mere expression mistake, but I think it's right to change something that is wrong. I humbly ask you to change the word "Sea of Japan" to the "East Sea", and if you don't mind, give me a reply email to sjb011016@naver.com


Thank you again for reading this, and I will wait for your contact^^


Yours sincerely,

Jung Baek Shin


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