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Total 8,899
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7699   À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liancourt_Rocks Çö´ë°í¼ºÀ¯Çö  06-25  506 
7698 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/nihonkai/index_eng.html ºÎ»ê¿Ü°íÁ¤Çý¿ø  06-28  506 
7697 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/countries/japan.h¡¦ bodwellhischo  07-22  506 
7696 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä Modification Request ºÎ»ê¿Ü°íÁ¤Çý¿ø  08-29  506 
7695 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  °ü±¤ ¹®È­ÃâÆǹ°  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä ¿ª»ç MODIFICATION REQUEST ºÎ»ê¿Ü°íÁ¤Çý¿ø  08-29  506 
7694 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ Improper use of Sea of Japan µ¿´ö¿©°íÀ̼­¿¬  09-25  506 
7693 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  °ü±¤ ¹®È­ÃâÆǹ°  µ¿ÇØ Asking for modification ºÎ»ê¿Ü°íÁ¤Çý¿ø  12-20  506 
7692 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ µ¶µµ/¿µÅä https://japan-forward.com/editorial-make-takeshima-day-a-nat¡¦ ºÎ»ê¿Ü°íÁ¶µÎÀº  01-29  506 
7691 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.ancient.eu/article/982/ancient-korean--japanese-¡¦ ºÎ»ê¿Ü°íÁ¤±¤¹Î  02-10  506 
7690 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.worldatlas.com/maps/japan ´ëÇкαè¹Îä  06-20  506 
7689 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/Eng¡¦ ´ëÇкÎÃÖ¿µ½Å  07-12  506 
7688 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.11alive.com/article/weather/tokyo-to-be-impacted¡¦ (2) ½ÅÁ¤°í³ë¼­¿ø  08-08  506 
7687 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/u-s-destroyer-challenges-¡¦ °³Æ÷°í°­¿¬ÁØ  08-23  506 
7686 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/japan-to-boost-s¡¦ ½ÅÁ¤°í³ë¼­¿ø  12-07  506 
7685 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Map-showing-the-Japanese¡¦ ´Ü´ëºÎ°íÀ±Áøȯ  01-19  506 
7684 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-LiancrtRcks.html ´ë¸íÁß±è¼Ò¹Î  05-28  507 
7683 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä http://nbenegroup.com/territory/takesima_en.html ±èÇý°æ  07-26  507 
7682   À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/takeshima/ ±¸·æÁßÇÑ°á  05-30  507 
7681 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ http://www.zakzak.co.jp/soc/news/170704/soc1707040035-n1.htm¡¦ Áß´ëºÎ°í±è¼ö¹Î  07-20  507 
7680 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ Àü¼Û Çϳª°í±âÅÂÀ±  07-20  507 
7679 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ µ¿Çظ¦ sea of japanÀ¸·Î Ç¥±â ±¸·æÁßÀ±ÀçÈÆ  06-05  507 
7678 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ http://tass.com/defense/1013104 Áß´ëºÎ°í±èÈñÁÖ  07-18  507 
7677 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä www.kr.emb-japan.go.jp/territory/takeshima/position.html ´Ü´ëºÎ°í¹Ú¼º¿ì  08-08  507 
7676 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ µ¿ÇØ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ À߸øµÈ Ç¥±â(1) Çϳª°í±èÀ±¼¼  07-31  507 
7675 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ http://www.earthweek.com/2009/ew090116/ew090116g.html °³Æ÷°í±è¼¼Áø1  12-02  507 
7674 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä ÀϺ»ÀÇ ÇÑ »çÀÌÆ®¿¡¼­ µ¶µµ°¡ ÀÚ½ÅÀÇ ¿µÅä¶ó°í ÁÖÀå Áßµ¿°íÁ¶Áß±Ù  03-24  507 
7673 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä https://elevenmyanmar.com/news/s-korea-collected-seabed-samp¡¦ ´Ü´ëºÎ°í±èÀçÂù  03-24  507 
7672 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ Request to stop using quoted map È£¿ø°í±èÁöÀº  02-26  507 
7671 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ http://www.mapability.com/ei8ic/maps/prefix/eaas.php žÈÁß±èÇö¿í  02-25  507 
7670 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.nippon.com/en/news/yjj2019072500385/n-korea-fire¡¦ Çϳª°í±èµµ¿¬9  07-30  507 
7669 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/sea-of-japan-or-east- Çϳª°í±èµµ¿¬9  07-30  507 
7668 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://nthnews.net/en/wordnews/north-korean-missile-hits-ja¡¦ Çϳª°íÀåÇö¾Æ  01-03  507 
7667 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ http://soykirimvahseti.com/physical-map-of-korean-peninsula/¡¦ Çϳª°í¹ÚÂùÁÖ  01-04  507 
7666 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¶µµ/¿µÅä https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/takeshima/index.html ´Ü´ëºÎ°íÃÖµ¿ÈÆ  07-16  507 
7665 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ Dear webmaster, please check out the wrong naming in your ar¡¦ Çϳª°í°í¼­¿¬  01-05  507 
7664 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ Dear webmaster, please check out the wrong naming in your ar¡¦ Çϳª°í°í¼­¿¬  01-05  507 
7663 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ µ¿ÇØ Ç¥±â ¿À·ù »ó¹®°í¹Ú±â¹ü  05-12  507 
7662 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ http://ontheworldmap.com/oceans-and-seas/sea-of-japan/ °Ç´ëºÎ°í°­½Â¾Æ  05-16  507 
7661 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.softschools.com/facts/seas/sea_of_japan_facts/33¡¦ bodwellhischo  06-17  507 
7660 ½ÃÁ¤¼­ÇÑ  À¥»çÀÌÆ®  µ¿ÇØ https://www.pinterest.it/pin/425027283555593863/ ´ëÀÏ¿Ü°í°íÇý½Â  06-22  507 
   31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40