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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 18-05-30 23:04
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µ¿Çظ¦ sea of japanÀ̶ó°í ÇÔ
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¿À·ù³»¿ë The correction of sea of japan
E-mail / Contact heewonl0831@naver.com
I am heewon lim who studied world history. I found out that there is a minor mistake of your website. On the section of asia map, japan, i found out that you pointed ¡°Dokdo¡±as ¡°sea of japan¡±. I hope you can correct this as soon as possible.


Here are the main events about Dokdo. In 512, General Yi Sa-bu of the Silla Dynasty conquered Usanguk (Dokdo)(Samguksagi, History of the Three Kingdoms, 1145) In 1693, Japan fishermen kept crossing the border illegally. To stop this, An Yong-bok complained to Japan and received Tottorihan¡¯s reply to an inquiry of the Edo Shogunate (Dec. 25, 1695), which says "Neither Takeshima (Ulleungdo) nor Matsushima (Dokdo) belongs to the Tottori-han." In 1877, through the Dajokan Order, Japan¡¯'s Meiji government officially confirmed that ¡°"Japan has nothing to do with Ulleungdo and one other island [Dokdo]¡±". After liberation, Korea was able to get lands back from Japan by Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Declaration.

In short, we should call the island Dokdo because the island belongs to Korea and Koreans call this Island Dokdo.

The name ¡°Dokdo¡± has long been used by the Korean people. This is the legitimate name that should be used internationally. Against this back drop, we would like to request you to use the name "Dokdo" when you refer to the island at issue.

I hope you can correct this as soon as possble. And thank you.
Sincerely, heewon


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