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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 15-08-30 21:05
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I am Cheoan dujeong high school 1st student Yang huichan, But the difference is hereby sent to Korea to describe the effective sovereignty of Dokdo and Takeshima in Japanese names and letters written corrective're so your site.
You know, Korea and Japan have a thing about the fact that claims sovereignty over Dokdo.
However, Japan had been burned to the imperialist ambitions caused the 1904 Russo-Japanese War was in 1905 has referred to the island without the owner Dokdo to monitor the Russian fleet and the central government rather than Shimane Prefecture announced it tot the 40th to eunil the illegal transfer. But the owner does not claim that Dokdo is Japanese fiction island.

Many old documents and maps of Korea is recognized Dokdo as Korea 's territory since ancient times and recorded in the territory of Korea and 1900 for the empire Dokdo arc decree No. 41 to clarify that Korea territory also in 1905 prior literature in Japan in acknowledges that Dokdo is not even once claimed that Dokdo as Japanese territory rather Korea's territory. And in 1945 the Second World War was over before and after the process will be kicked from all areas specified in the declaration as "Japan has been ousted from violence and to all areas seized by greed and hya called 'Cairo Declaration. Yittyae Dokdo has also been returned to the bosom of Korea. In addition, the Allied supreme commander Memorandum No. 677 had declared the administrative jurisdiction of Dokdo in Korea means clear that Dokdo belonged to Korea today.

Dokdo is a symbol of the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea recovered. Any country except Japan also acknowledges that Dokdo is deprived Korea regained territory. Japan claims the islets have forced the earth is not that different from those of self-commitment to repeat the history of Korea's invasion. Dokdo is Korea will remain eternally peaceful territory in the East Sea.


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