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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 16-01-22 15:43
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E-mail / Contact aevans@williston.com

Dear webmaster,


Hello. I am a high school student in SouthKorea. Firstly, I want to inform you that I am pleased to write you this letter. I am a member of Dokdo Cyber Press, anon-governmental and voluntary organization with the mandate to provide correct information about Korea to the international community, including textbook publishers. Anyways, a while ago when I was surfing the internet, I had found some errors in your site, and as a Member of the organization I previously mentioned, I am informing you the minor information posted, and also asking you to correrct the wrong information. 



I found an error in your website, and I am asking you a favor to please revise the wrong information on your website. On the map that is posted on your website the sea between Korea and Japan is marked as ¡°Sea of Japan¡± which isn¡¯t the proper name. The name ¡°Sea of Japan has been used during the time of imperialism. The proper title should be stated as ¡°East Sea¡±,which has been used throughout the history. Therefore, the body of water between Korea and Japan should be described as the ¡°East Sea¡±, and if unnecessary,I ask you to at least use both terms; ¡°East Sea/Sea of Japan¡±.


I am asking you in courteous words to please check the wrong information on your website (http://www.free-vector-maps.com/others_maps_3.html) and please change it in its correct designation. Please visit the website (http://www.eastsea.org/)for more specific information on geographical designations or its history etc. Thank you for sparing your time in reading my e-mail. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.  


Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


With Kindest Regards,





Subin Kwon


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