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E-mail / Contact

To Embassy of Japan in Korea


Firstly, I would like to show my respect for your hard work. My name is Ki-Geon Sung. I am a student and a member of the press corps of Dokdo in Korea. press corps of Dokdo is a non-governmental volunteer organization, composed of high school students and college student who wish to tell correct information about Korea


I would like to inform you that your website includes information that seriously distort image of Korea and that could develop into diplomatic problem between Korea and Japan. We, Koreans were surprised to see that your website marks Korea¡¯s island Dokdo as Japan¡¯s island Takeshima.

Please refer to this link of your website:



Dokdo is definitely part of Korea¡¯s territory. Historically, Korea has effectively ruled Dokdo for 1500 years except during Japanese occupation, and currently, thousands of Korean tourists visit Dokdo as the tourist site.


Now you must be interested in why Japan insists that Dokdo is part of their territory. In 1905, Japan won Russo-Japanese war by sinking Russia¡¯s Balt fleet using Ulleungdo and Dokdo¡¯s geopolitical location. Five years later, in 1910, Japan forcibly occupied Joseon Dynasty and damaged many Koreans¡¯ life physically and mentally for 35 years until Korea became independent in 1945.


Especially due to Japan¡¯s loss in World War II, Korea became independent in 1945, and many territories of Joseon, including Dokdo was returned to Korea. However, Japan has not yet thrown out their militaristic desire that was sparked during imperialism, thereby claiming ownership of Dokdo.


Japan¡¯s insistence on possession of Dokdo is the same as their insistence on the right of Dokdo and Korean peninsula that was plundered by militaristic war, further claiming the territorial rights of the past colony. Whenever Japan argues about possessing Dokdo, Koreans remember the unfortunate history of 1910 when Japan pillaged Korean peninsula. For this reason, we Koreans cannot overlook Japan¡¯s insistence on dominium of Dokdo; that would be no more than negating Korea¡¯s complete independence. The problem is that, although Korea became independent and retrieved all territories from Japan then, Japan is still distorting historical facts and publicly announcing that Dokdo is part of Japan. What is frustrating is that this distortion is accepted to many foreigners as truth because the perversion is well-documented by Japan.


We cannot endure the fact that this militaristic historical view is becoming known to people throughout the world through your website today; this situation is the same as when the international society approved tacitly of Japan¡¯s position when Japan forcibly colonized Korea 100 years ago. During the time of sudden changes in international society, Japan began imperialism by changing people¡¯s view on Japan¡¯s invasion of South Korea.


For instance, in 1905, Japan concluded the Treaty of Portsmouth that ended Russia and Japan¡¯s war, mediated by United States President Theodore Roosevelt. Japan, through this treaty, gained approval from the international society the control of Korean peninsula. Additionally, in 1902, Japan, through Anglo-Japanese Alliance, gained tacit approval from England to control Korea.


You will remember the suffering and damage done to Asia by international society¡¯s approval of Japan¡¯s militaristic invasion. Therefore, as a member of press corps of Dokdo, I request that you delete ¡°Takeshima¡± and all of the fraudulent claims from your website and publication so that Asia¡¯s militarism and colonialism wouldn¡¯t rise again.


Our insistence on deletion of the fraudulent claims and preserving the name ¡°Dokdo¡± and historical true is part of loving the nation Korea, and will of Koreans for peace, with a hope that Japan¡¯s militarism and imperialism would not revive again.


I ask your participation on Koreans¡¯ hope for peace in Asia.


press corps of Dokdo


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