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Dear webmaster

Hello, I am high school student in south korea. I'm working for Dokdo in Korea Dokdo belongs to the press corps.  Press the Dokdo as well as Dokdo and activities related to and donghae. Because I found your Web site from the errors associated with donghae write a letter to you.


First, your Web site in the erroneously, renamed the East Sea is Japan's sea, error associated with donghae. Therefore, I ask you to correct this error. Because the East Sea, including Dokdo is obviously South Korea. Your fault must be corrected.


Once again, I ask you politely. I'd really appreciate it if you could revise it as soon as possible. Let's all live honest lives. A happy world will be created if we all strive for peace around the world and a world without misunderstandings. so I want you to correct errors I mentioned. Thank you for reading the long article. Have a nice day today.


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