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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 14-09-04 01:12
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¼­ÇѺ¸³»´Â°÷ ITAR-TASS News Agency
E-mail / Contact web-error@itar-tass.com

With my deepest respect and gratitude, I take it as a great honor to write to you. It was very interesting and helpful to get some information from your articles. I am Jaeuk Shin, and I'm proud to introduce myself to be a student of Jeohyeon Highschool, in Republic of Korea

I work as an active member of the Dokdo Cyber Press, a non-governmental and voluntary organization with the mandate to provide correct information about Korea to the international community, including article writers like you.

I am writing to you as I have important suggestions to make in regards to your article that has a mistake in marking 'East Sea' as 'Sea of Japan". I've found some errors on following articles: "Russian top brass denies forcing Japanese submarine out of La Perouse Strait"(http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/746026), "North Korea fires short-range ballistic missile in Sea of Japan — media"(http://en.itar-tass.com/world/747478), "Japanese whaling ship detained in Sea of Okhotsk for border violation released"(http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/746671).


To my great surprise, I found out that the article have wrongly named ¡°East Sea¡± as the ¡°Sea of Japan.¡± The name of the sea between the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, currently named as the ¡°Sea of Japan¡± in your company¡¯s article, should be corrected to the ¡°East Sea.¡± because when there is a sea between two countries, country on the western side should decide its name following international customs. Since Japan got higher power during World War II, Japan just named the sea between Korea and Japan 'Sea of Japan' and international society just accepted it. At that time, Korea was a colony of Japan, so Korea didn't have power to claiming something against Japan in the international society. It was our right to name the sea between Korea and Japan, but that right was taken when we didn't have power to get it back. So, in recent days many Koreans include me try hard to get our rights back. We are working on correcting the names such as 'Takeshima' and 'Sea of Japan' as well as speak the truth about military slavery by Japan. I understand that you won't want to be involved in political matters, this is not a political matter. It's just a certain fact that cannot change. Both Korea and Japan marked the sea between two countries as "East Sea" since ancient times and many historical reports supports our allegation. "East Sea" is so beloved by Koreans that our national anthem starts with a word, "East Sea". (The first syllable of our national anthem is "East Sea and Baekdu Mountain")

As a Korean who is fully aware of how this sea is enthusiastically beloved by our people, I could not help but write to your company.


I humbly ask for your company to seriously consider the issue of changing ¡°Sea Of Japan¡± to the ¡°East Sea¡±.

I would like to once again appreciate your time for reviewing my letter and will be more than honored to get reply from your organization via my e-mail(shinsy0802@naver.com). Thank you for reading this long letter.


Yours sincerely,

Jaeuk Shin


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