"Takeshima," commonly known as Liancourt Island, is an islet situated between Korea and Japan in the Eastern Sea. However, it is crucial to emphasize that its authentic name and sovereignty are "Dokdo," despite being referred to as "Takeshima" by Japan and other nations.
I noticed a mention of the San Francisco Peace Treaty on your website, which could potentially create a misconception that Dokdo might be considered Japanese territory. I urge you to reconsider this perspective, taking into account the substantial historical evidence affirming Dokdo's status as Korean territory. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea has compiled a comprehensive list of events and official records supporting Dokdo's Korean sovereignty.
These records meticulously outline Korea's continuous administration and control of Dokdo since ancient times, pre-dating any claims by Japan. Furthermore, they highlight instances where Korean sovereignty over Dokdo was internationally recognized and affirmed.